Hope For All People!
What if hope wasn’t just a wish? What if fear didn’t have to rule your life? What if hope could be yours? Hope in a life of peace, and joy that nothing in this world can offer?
This hope is yours in Jesus Christ, our Savior!
"That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe."
- 1 Timothy 4:10

Gather in weekly worship.

Grow through Bible Study.

Go and share the good news.
In the greater Burlington area.
Our mission has a field: the greater Burlington area. We seek to serve and love every single person God has placed before us.

Service Times
Worship: 10 am
Bible Study: 9 am
Sunday School: 9 am
Visit us
2420 E Agency St,
Burlington, IA 52601
(319) 457-9205
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